How soon after exposure to cold sore herpes (type 1) in your genital area, would you start to see symptoms?
May 13, 2010 by admin
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I think I may have contracted genital herpes through my partner’s cold sore. It was not totally active at the time- it had already scabbed over and was almost healed. He has never had genital herpes and this is the only thing I can attribute it to. Does this now mean I could have type […]
Can you get genital herpes from oral sex with soeone who has oral herpes?
May 12, 2010 by admin
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Alright guys, I have a question. I hear oral herpes are very common and most people have it without even realising it, but my question is, if you have a cold sore does that mean you have herpes? Or could you just have a cold sore? And if you have oral sex could the other […]
How did genital herpes start in the first place??
May 11, 2010 by admin
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Ok, so I’ve read that Aids started from monkeys in the mid 1900’s… that got my wife wondering about genital herpes because we just saw a commercial about it. She asked me to google it, but I can’t find anything about it all started in the first place. Can anyone tell me? I would greatly […]
How can you tell the difference between genital herpes and razor bumps?
May 10, 2010 by admin
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Me and my ex have been broken up for almost a year now and about a month and a half ago i noticed a bump on the shaft of my penis, around the beginning of the month and a half that’s when i shaved my pubic hair and i want to know if thats a […]
Will genital herpes show up on a blood test required in Cancun to get married?
May 10, 2010 by admin
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We want to get married in Cancun. But on all the websites they want a bloodtest three days prior to our wedding. It also states if you have AIDS or an STD you can’t get married in Cancun. I have genital herpes and I’m wondering if this is something that would show up on the […]
Is there anyway I can treat my genital herpes without going to the doctor?
May 9, 2010 by admin
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I am a senior in college, I have contracted genital herpes. I don’t have health insurance or the money to go to the doctor and pay for meds. I was gonna see if anyone else has been in my position before and what they did. Is there any good home remedies?
What are the odds of contracting genital herpes from your partner?
May 8, 2010 by admin
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My new girlfriend recently discovered she had genital herpes but has never had an outbreak. she found out after we had unprotected sex only once. i want to know the odds that i could have gotten it before i go and get tested. and what symptoms are easiest to see since some symptoms are present […]
How has Genital herpes effected your life?
May 7, 2010 by admin
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I just got genital herpes, and I can’t figure out how I’m suppose to live my life. If you have genital herpes, how did it effect your life? And how do you date someone, and get the balls to tell them you have genital herpes!? I neeed answers.
Will I get genital herpes worse from a partner who has bad outbreaks?
May 6, 2010 by admin
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I have been diagnosed with genital herpes, but have never had any visible or difficult outbreaks that Im aware of(diagnosed 10 years ago). I am in relationship with a woman who also has genital herpes, but has the regular unpleasant outbreaks about every 18 months to 2 years. We are not yet sexually intimate and […]
Can you get genital herpes from a cold sore?
May 5, 2010 by admin
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I’ve heard from some people that you can get genital herpes via oral sex after having a cold sore and I’ve heard from others that you can’t becuase they’re different strans of herpes. But let’s say someone performs oral sex and gets a cold sore a couple days later, should the person who received the […]