Genital Herpes Clinic - Sunday, March 9, 2025

Announcement: Is it possible to get genital herpes on the back of your leg?

April 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion, Featured

My daughter gets a patch of small blisters on the back of her leg just below her right buttock about every 3 months or so. Her leg swells in that area and gets red and tender then itches and a patch of blisters pops up. The tiny blisters burst, then scab over in about a […]


Is it possible to have genital herpes on the lower legs?

June 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion

I’ve had this rash on my lower legs for the two weeks. I had sex with someone before who I later found out had genital herpes, but I had two blood tests for herpes since which both came out negative. Lately I’ve been getting a small red spot around my hip and a few on […]


Is it possible for a person to be contaminated with genital herpes from a third world hospital?

June 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion

A friend of mine had a surgery in her throat…, now she has genital herpes, she blames it on the hospital. Wouldn’t it be from unprotected sex, or is it possible she could get it from the third world country hospital?


Is it possible a doctor would lie about your genital herpes test?

May 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion

What if companies like Valtrex pay doctors to lie about your genital herpes test results just so they will recommend you medication? I mean, think about it. They say most people don’t even know that they have genital herpes because they show no symptoms. So if a person is in fear and doubt that they […]


Is it possible to contract genital herpes from having surgery?

May 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion

Someone says they contracted genital herpes after having surgery for their appendix. They have had other health issues caused by childhood meningitis and they say this is what caused the genital herpes to be “activated” in their body after their surgery.Is this absolutely ridiculous or is it really at all possible?
